Safety Rules


Eye Protection(EyePro): Keep your face mask/eye pro on at all times while on the field.

Barrel Bags: (Paintball Only) Keep barrel bags on at all times while off of the field. Barrel plugs are not allowed.

Mags Out: Airsoft replicas MUST have magazines removed, chambers cleared, and safeties on when exiting the field. 

Safe Zone: No shooting or dry firing in the parking, staging or camping areas. 

No Overshooting: Avoid intentionally shooting a player after elimination. Failure to control your weapon may result in the referee enforcing semi-auto mode for the rest of the day or removal from the field.

Surrender Rule
If you come up behind a player and they are unaware of your presence, give them an opportunity to surrender when within 10 feet or less. If the player refuses to surrender, you may shoot them. 

Barrel Tags: (Paintball Only) Barrel tagging is allowed by placing the side of your barrel against another player. If you get barrel tagged, call yourself “OUT”. 

No WipingDo not wipe paint from your person or weapon until after you have respawned.

Respawning: To respawn, a player must touch the flag pole that bears his team's colored flag at the top of the pole. A player may not respawn at a flag station if they are shot within the circle surrounding that flag. If so, the player MUST respawn at another flag station owned by his team. If no flags are available for respawn the player is out until the next game or until a flag becomes available. 
 A player is only allowed to remain in the respawn circle for 15 seconds.
No arguing between playersIf there is an issue between players it should be taken to a ref, and their decision will be final. Both parties will be asked to leave the field if the issue is not resolved. 
Players are not allowed to make physical contact with another player during game play. Fighting will result in immediate expulsion from the field.

Player Ref's: Are admins who are playing the game. They are identifiable by either an armband saying REF or by an orange or black NiteHawk patch. These players are to be treated with the same respect as any other ref and they will stop playing if you need assistance. 

Dead Men Don't Talk: If you are shot, you are dead and therefore unable to speak to other players. You can not give away the position of the shooter or any other information to your teammates.

What Counts as a Hit: A hit counts if it makes contact with any part of the players body. Chest rigs are NOT bulletproof and do count as a hit.  Ricochets do not count as a hit. Gun hits count in paintball, but not in airsoft.

When You Are Hit:   Call your hit by yelling “HIT!”, Place a dead rag on your head and leave the area immediately. Walk to your team’s respawn flag and touch the pole to reenter the game. If you are hit and continue to play, that is considered CHEATING and is not acceptable. If the REF sees a player not calling their hits he may speak to you, shoot you, or ask you to leave the field if it has been observed as a continuous action. 

No Blind Fire: Players are not permitted to fire their markers or replicas around corners, through windows or over bunkers without looking at where you are shooting. You must be able to identify the person you are shooting at. 

No Climbing: Players are not permitted to climb on buildings, trees, cars, planes, helicopters, or any other field prop. 

Chrono: All markers and Airsoft replicas must be chronograph to be within field limits. The chrono shack opens at 8am on game days and closes at 9:30am. 
Any player who has not gone through chrono before the safety briefing will have to wait until the next round to enter the field.

Safety Briefing: Any player who does not attend the safety briefing will not be allowed admission to the field until the next round and only after a staff member goes over the safety rules with them.

Grenades: Only approved grenades will be allowed on the field. Grenades must be thrown underhanded through a doorway or window. They Can NOT be thrown over the top of the building. There is a 15 foot kill radius for grenades. If a grenade goes off in the building, everyone in the room is dead. 

Hardcover does protect the player from grenades. Hardcover is defined as any solid man-made object such as a wall, vehicle, or trench wall if the grenade lands outside of the area the player is in. Rocks and trees do not qualify as hardcover. Grenades can disable a vehicle, but the occupants do not die and are still in play. 

Rockets & Taggin's: May only be used against buildings and occupied vehicles. Rockets can kill an entire building as long as it hits the building. Landing near the building does not count as a hit. Hardcover does not provide any protection from rockets. Vehicles hit by a rocket are disabled and the crew is dead. Explosive rounds are NOT permitted.

NO REAL STEEL: Keep all your firearms securely locked in your vehicles. 

Knives: Fixed blade knives are not permitted on the field. Multi-tools are allowed.

Wildlife: Do not shoot at any of the wildlife on the property. 

Lasers: Do not point lasers at aircraft flying over the field. Do not shine lasers in the eyes of any player. 

Impaired Players: Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not permitted on the field of play and will be removed.